Monday, July 9, 2012

Pet Peeves.

This is just a series of things that have been on my mind lately. Some people might call them pet peeves, but I am to angry for that, these are major psychotic hatreds that will one day make me snap. Feel bad for whoever is around me when that happen.

Young people that think they can solve the worlds problems. Your 19, and you think you can fix the world, but by the time you hit 23 you will have given up, and will begin to hate the person you were at 19. You can't fix the world, so please shut the hell up.

People with high ideals. They are never based in reality. There is another universe in which your ideal are practical, we don't exist in that one.

High pitched anything. Shut all children up, and oil all metal on metal contact. Duct tape and WD-40 exist for a reason.

Abusive people. Ironically these people just need a good beating. They needed one, and never got one. Might be too late now. Guess we will need to use a gun on them.

Fanboys. I don't care what you are into, nothing you say will make me care. Also how is it that fanboys are always have horrid personal hygiene, but everything they own related to their obsession is squeaky clean?

Openly religious people. Keep your imaginary friend to yourself. These people might just be fanboys themselves.

People obsessed with "reality" tv. It is just really poorly done fiction.

People that don't speak the native language of the country they are in. When I go to Canada I speak french where appropriate. When in Mexico I speak Spanish. I might not speak them perfectly, but at least I try. Is expecting the same form other so much?

Old women trying to look a lot younger than they are, it just makes it more obvious you are old bitch. Dress your age, you have never fooled anyone. The young dudes that come up to you are only there because they know you are an easy target.

People that can't hold their liquor. Man up light weight. Build your tolerance, and drink with pride.

Stoners that only talk about "legalizing it". One day it will happen, but nothing you are doing on your couch is going to speed it along.

Chicks that don't make with the head.

People that censor anything. It doesn't matter that you are offended. People can express themselves however they want. If you don't like it, ignore it, walk away from it, express yourself in a way opposed to them.

5 dollar pizzas. Yeah they are cheap, but they suck. I would rather spend 10 and get decent pizza. Better still, lets get 25 together and get a good, or maybe even great, pizza.

Anyone super into an "indy" scene. Independent stuff is just like regular stuff, 10% is great, 10% is crap, and the other 80% is in the middle. It doesn't matter if it is music, movie, video games, or anything else.

Flavored beer. I want beer to taste like beer. I don't want it to taste like fruit, or like sugar, or coffee, or any other flavor. Beer is its own flavor, and it is great flavor all on its own. 


  1. I loathe openly religious people. There's one old fart who writes to my local paper who claims America was founded specifically to be a Christian nation despite being proved wrong several times. They didn't forget God in the Constitution, they left him out on purpose.

  2. "Young people that think they can solve the worlds problems. Your 19, and you think you can fix the world, but by the time you hit 23 you will have given up, and will begin to hate the person you were at 19. You can't fix the world, so please shut the hell up.

    People with high ideals. They are never based in reality. There is another universe in which your ideal are practical, we don't exist in that one."

    This sounds eerily similar to a certain Square based site.
