Sunday, October 23, 2011

Two Groups that MUST go.

This is some thoughts on two groups of people. I mean no harm to anyone.

Bicycle riders on major streets. They need to find a bike trail, or it needs to be made legal to run these people over. They need to take there silly outfits, and smug attitudes, and get off the main streets. They aren't going anywhere, they just want others to see them exercising. It is pretentious exhibitionist bullshit. I would wish cancer on them, but then they might morph into the next group.

People that need to let you know what is wrong with them entirely too much. You might be sick, and that is sad, but don't bring it up for no reason. Once upon a time I worked at a big retail store, and there was a customer that had "brain cancer". I know she had "brain cancer", because when she was in the store every thing she said was prefixed with "Excuse me, I have brain cancer, and...", and when helping her, she would mention it 400 more times. It is sad she had cancer, but after talking to her, everyone I worked with agreed it wasn't killing her fast enough. If you are dieing, keep it just a little closer to the chest.

Thanks for reading today.  If you ride a bike on a major street because you lack a car, that is cool, and I bare no malice toward you. If you have cancer, I am sorry, just don't bring it up in every conversation.


  1. Man, I ride a bike because I don't want to waste money on a car and help lessen the horrible air in the city. I'm not sure, but I'm positive if someone has brain cancer, they are excused from saying stupid shit, haha.

  2. You mean bike lanes should be better implemented on roads.

    I agree with the second one though.

  3. The effect can be accounted for by its interested for us so much

  4. I have anal cancer, but I totally agree with you!

  5. HA, the second one pisses me off SO much. My neighbour sometimes knocks and says shit like "Hi, you're aware of my condition which means I'm on crutches, and I was wondering if..." and it's always just some shit that requires NO physical strain. I cared the first time, but it got old fast. did she.

  6. hate when people take advantage of their own shit to make you do something they want.

  7. Cancer scares the shit out of me. But I cant live in fear.

  8. I can understand the biker on the road thing. In SC it's illegal for them to ride on the sidewalk
